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  • Fix: Support for clickable links and buttons in the summary slot of sl-details.
  • Improved design for sl-spinner
  • Added CODEOWNERS to automatically tag reviewers


  • MASSIVE set of changes from upstream (jumping from 2.5.0 > 2.11.2). This included a big restructuring of the codebase in upstream 2.6.0, which moved the component code into separate name.component.ts files. Lots of other files got moved around, the build process changed, and the docs site is now using eleventy. Please see the upstream change logs for more details.

  • Badge

    • Update styling
    • Add new color theme variants: red (default) and gray
    • Map existing semantic variants to newly added colors (neutral = gray, danger = red)
    • Make pill option the default; add square boolean to display a square badge
      • If you were previously using the pill boolean to display a pill badge, you can now delete that boolean from your sl-badge.
      • If you were previously using the default square badge, you’ll need to add a square boolean to get the square badge back. (Note: The square badge is not a standard Teamshares Design System pattern, so please check with the designer on your team about this usage).
    • Add new value attribute to auto-format numbers > 99
  • Button

    • Move styles from overrides.css into main component styles file
    • Update styling for default outline button so that it can be used for the Radio Button (segmented radio)
  • Card

    • Update styling (increase header padding)
  • Dialog

    • Move styles from overrides.css into main component styles file
    • Add new sizes: small, medium (default), large
    • Add new type variants: default (default), warning, announcement
    • Add optional header-icon slot to display an icon to the left of the dialog title
  • Tooltip

    • Update styling
  • Docs

    • Add new usage guidelines to Alert, Badge, and Tag
    • Update examples / hide irrelevant examples from doc pages for Badge, Breadcrumb, Breadcrumb Item,Card, Details (Collapsible card), Dialog (Modal), Icon
    • Add helper tips and warning alerts above examples to highlight patterns that are available with Shoelace but aren’t standard options for the Teamshares Design System
    • Show alert above Properties table when component has unused properties (to discourage use of properties that still work but aren’t part of the Teamshares Design System)


  • Button
    • Remove default icon size increase for small buttons


  • Alert
    • Update styling
    • Add optional header slot
  • Breadcrumb
    • Update styling
    • Change default separator to /
  • Card
    • Add noShadow boolean
  • Details
    • Add shadow boolean
  • Tab
    • Update styling
  • Tag
    • Update styling
    • Add new color variants: blue, green, gray, yellow, red, teal, fuchsia, purple
    • Map existing semantic variants to new colors (primary = blue, success = green, neutral = gray, warning = yellow, danger = red)
  • Docs
    • Add new Styles pages for Spacing, Elevation, Border Radius
    • Add design pattern and Figma component status badges to all components
    • Force site to always display light theme


  • Fix for missing generated CSS tokens
  • Minor docs quotation fix


  • Utilities now export a method to automatically register FontAwesome icon libraries
  • Slim template formatting for CodePen examples
  • Tokens and overrides included in CodePen examples
  • New export of tokens.json to be consumed by shared-ui as part of config
  • CSS tokens generated automatically from the tokens.json


  • Fix focus issue on inputs caused by Tailwind
  • Use Font Awesome in doc sites


  • Updated to upstream 2.4.0
  • Docs redesign (courtesy of Sara H)
  • Improved Font Awesome documentation
  • A couple additional commits from upstream/next including:
    • Buttons allow variable height children
    • Documentation of radio button sizing


  • Increase padding for details
  • Fix details example for alternate icons


  • Checkbox
    • Added contained modifier to wrap the checkbox in a container
    • Added description slot to appear in smaller text below the label
  • Radio
    • Added contained modifier to wrap the radio in a container
    • Added description slot to appear in smaller text below the label


  • Increase icon size for small buttons


  • Another fix for exports / imports in shared-ui


  • Minor, attempting to fix imports in shared-ui


  • Updated to upstream 2.1.0
  • Added teal color tokens
  • Modified exports to allow pulling in tokens more easily
  • Added Slim code to all docs


  • Pulled in upstream fixes on next branch, including fixes for dropdown and select
  • Hide shoelace elements until they are defined (FOUCE)
  • Fixes for Tailwind resets that broke menu styling


  • Updated to upstream release 2.0.0
    • First stable release
    • Some fixes for selects and form elements
  • Migrated tokens and overrides from shared-ui
    • This repo is now the source of truth for tokens and override styles
  • Updated Heroicons to 2.0.14
    • No significant changes, just keeping up with upstream


  • Updated to upstream version 2.0.0-beta.88
    • Includes breaking change to sl-select
  • Button
    • Pill button is now default
    • Added square modifier to get rounded-rectangle shape
    • Added x-large size
  • Docs
    • Removed unused button styles
    • Added Teamshares section
    • Updated style overrides